Originally published in the inaugural edition of Carroll Capital是电子游戏软件卡罗尔管理学院的印刷出版物. Read the full issue here.

“Part of business school is learning in the classroom, but it’s also about learning from those around you,” says Marilyn Eckelman, graduate programs associate dean. From songwriting in Nashville to consulting in Afghanistan, 这些现在和以前的电子游戏正规平台生可能不是最可能的候选人 MBA但他们的非传统背景却创造了令人惊讶的连接点.


Hitting the Right Notes

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Olivia Klayman, MBA '23

奥利维亚·克莱曼(Olivia Klayman)是23届MBA,她翻唱的拉娜·德雷(Lana Del Rey)的一首歌曾在SoundCloud上走红. 这位音乐家说,这次经历改变了她的生活轨迹. 当机会出现时,她并不陌生——克莱曼在喜剧俱乐部工作过, taken a songwriting publishing deal in Nashville, 在一家营销机构和一家数据分析咨询公司工作过. Pursuing an MBA is just the latest chapter. “I’m not afraid to take risks and bet on myself,” she says.

For Klayman, 音乐的终极吸引力在于它能够“通过给人们一种社区意识来帮助人们不感到孤独”,她说,而且她清楚地看到了作为一名音乐家之间的联系, the MBA program, and her new marketing role in Johnson & Johnson’s medical devices department. 她说:“我的背景是理解他人,让他们感到被倾听。. “(现在)我正在电子游戏正规平台让人们恢复人性的设备. 写歌也是为了让人们回归人性,提供支持.”

As she finishes up her time at Boston College, she finds that her creative, 对课堂学习持开放态度是至关重要的,与各行各业的同龄人合作是很自然的. After all, she says, “when you strip away the titles and experience, we are ultimately just humans who want to feel seen, heard, and valued.”


Building a Community

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Dewin Hernandez, MBA/MSW '21

参与社区活动也是Dewin Hernandez的专长,他是21届MBA/MSW. 他利用自己的电子游戏正规平台生学位,从伯克利音乐学院(berkeley College of music)音乐教育和音乐商业的本科背景转向目前在德勤政府部门的职位 & 公共服务司,与卫生和高等教育等部门的机构合作.

埃尔南德斯几乎每天都在利用他的学术和应用教育. After graduating from Berklee, 他在劳伦斯社区工作青年中心当音乐老师,然后, while at Boston College, he cofounded the Future Leaders Advocacy & Advisory Group (FLAAG), 这是一个电子游戏正规平台生团体,致力于支持卡罗尔学院的社会和种族正义倡议. 埃尔南德斯说,他的电子游戏正规平台生教育已经成为一个框架,将“管理结构和如何将其用于社区建设”融合在一起.”


Creative Thinking

Colin Clark, MBA ’23, 在每堂课上都提出了同样的问题:这如何适用于职业摔跤? 他承认,他可能是“房间里唯一一个问这个问题的人”,但他在世界摔跤娱乐公司(WWE)编剧团队的五年工作经历让他拥有了独特的视角. 写作只是“推动数十亿美元业务向前发展的引擎的一部分,” Clark says. Curious how his work fits into the big picture, he sought out an MBA in order to diversify his skills.

Despite the big differences between WWE and business school, 克拉克把他的MBA学位看作是他职业写作生涯的延续. In particular, 该项目强调跨学科,这让他看到了作家创作的故事情节之间的联系, TV ratings and merchandise sales, and WWE’s balance sheet, he says. While he isn’t sure what’s next for him professionally, Clark knows that whatever it may be, “商学院只是增强了我在这方面的能力.”


Learning Curve

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Emily Warmington, MBA '23

A love of learning, the ability to be self-sufficient, 以及成长为领导者的愿望是艾米丽·沃明顿所具备的基本技能, MBA ’23, brought from her career in education to the Carroll School. After 11 years as a teacher, working with students from fifth grade through high school, 毕业后,她将进入一个新的领域,加入富达金融领导力项目. “Leading adults is not the same as leading youth,” she says, “but the same [basic] skills and attitudes are required.” She emphasizes agility and accountability in particular.

As she returned to the classroom, not as a teacher but as a student, 沃明顿对卡罗尔商学院对数据分析的关注特别感兴趣. 她分享说:“根据数据做出决定实际上是我作为一名教育工作者经历的重要组成部分.“将这些经验与学习更多技术应用相结合的机会太好了,不容错过.


The Draw of Data

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David Fox, MBA '24

数据分析的广泛适用性是卡罗尔商学院MBA学生数据分析课程的核心. 这也是24届MBA大卫·福克斯(David Fox)来到电子游戏软件的原因. A former reservist in the United States Marine Corps, 福克斯在喀布尔生活期间创办了自己的精品咨询公司, Afghanistan. 他在南亚电子游戏正规平台和阿拉伯语方面的本科教育,以及他与这个国家的联系——他的妻子来自那里——在他选择专攻阿富汗及附近国家的市场电子游戏正规平台和媒体制作时派上了用场.

2021年8月,他带着妻儿逃离阿富汗, 他意识到这也是他职业生涯的转折点. 尽管他有创业经验,但他没有接受过正规的商业教育. 他说:“如果我有机会攻读全日制MBA课程,那就是时候了.”

Fox knew how to collect raw data, 但他也想学习如何进行严格的分析,他认为这种分析决定了商业的未来. 他之前的工作让他“对世界有了更广阔的视野”,” he says, but an MBA can give him the tools to apply that experience, ideally in finance or banking. 最后,他认为卡罗尔学校帮助他在专业上重塑了自己. “This program has given me a second chance.”



摄影:David Paul Larson (Klayman)和Lee Pellegrini (Hernandez).